K6IF's Quest - The 2000 ARRL 10 Meter Contest

I have always loved the ARRL 10 meter contest.  In 1999, I tried hard to organize a trip to FG for this event.  Unfortunately, work and family issues conspired to keep me at home.  Despite the fact that I blew up my amp on Saturday morning and didn't get it fixed until Sunday morning, I made about 1750 QSO's and 400,000 points phone only from my home station.  I had a great time, but it became clear that I was just never going to make the top 10 from my suburban lot with a tri-bander and hills to the East.  I resolved that since 2000 was going to be the peak of the sunspot cycle, I would find some way to compete seriously.

This article is a serialized story of my quest to compete in the 2000 ARRL 10 meter contest, SSB only.  Each segment of the story covers a period of time, and I have tried to capture my mental and emotional state as well as describing the mechanics of my preparation for, and participation in, the contest itself.

I am not writing this story to appease my ego, or to promote my effort.  I am writing it to entertain, and perhaps to educate those new contesters who might be interested.  If you find this offensive or objectionable, please let me know.  If I get enough negative commentary, I will cease and desist.

Your comments, hints and questions are welcome.  You can reach me by email at djl@andlev.com .

Part 1: Plan A - "I'm leaving, on a jet plane"

Part 2: Plan B - A whole new station in 60 days

Part 3: You want a three stack of what?

Part 4: The Rubber Hits the Road

Part 5: Five, Four, Three...

Part 6: And They're Off!

Part 7: He's Dead, Jim