This article is a serialized story of my quest to compete in the 2000 ARRL 10 meter contest, SSB only. Each segment of the story covers a period of time, and I have tried to capture my mental and emotional state as well as describing the mechanics of my preparation for, and participation in, the contest itself.
I am not writing this story to appease my ego, or to promote my effort. I am writing it to entertain, and perhaps to educate those new contesters who might be interested. If you find this offensive or objectionable, please let me know. If I get enough negative commentary, I will cease and desist.
Your comments, hints and questions are welcome. You can reach me by email at .
Part 1: Plan A - "I'm leaving, on a jet plane"
Part 2: Plan B - A whole new station in 60 days
Part 3: You want a three stack of what?
Part 4: The Rubber Hits the Road